Achromatopsia: see Day blindness
Canine multifocal retinopathy: characterized by numerous distinct (i.e.. multi-focal), roughly circular patches of elevated retina (multifocal bullous retinal detachments). The condition includes numerous distinct (i.e.. multi-focal), roughly circular patches of elevated retina with accumulation of material that produces gray-tan-pink colored lesions (multifocal bullous retinal detachments). These lesions, looking somewhat like blisters, vary in location and size, although typically they are present in both eyes of the affected dog. The disease generally develops in young dogs and might not progress or progress slowly, or may appear to heal with discrete areas of tapetal hyper-reflectivity or hyperpigmentation. Most dogs exhibit no noticeable problem with vision despite their abnormal appearing retinas.
Cataract: any opacity of the lens and/or its capsule, regardless of size or location within the lens. Cataracts are assumed to be hereditary unless associated with known trauma, ocular inflammation, specific metabolic diseases or nutritional deficiencies.
Ceroid lipofuscinosis: an inherited disease of man and animals characterized by the accumulation of lipopigment in various tissues of the body including the eye. It results in progressive neurologic disease including blindness. (Also called Batten’s disease)
Choroidal hypoplasia: a congenital, inherited, non-progressive defect primarily affecting the choroid resulting in some or all of the following: decreased or lack of pigment in the retinal pigment epithelium or choroid, tapetal thinning and reduced or abnormal choroidal blood vessels.
Chronic superficial keratitis (CSK): see Pannus
Collie eye anomaly: a congenital syndrome of ocular anomalies characterized by bilateral and often symmetrical defects including any combination of choroidal hypoplasia, coloboma and retinal detachment(s).
Coloboma: a congenital abnormality in ocular development usually characterized by focal absence of tissue, commonly (though not exclusively) located at the 6 o’clock position associated with failure of closure of the optic fissure.
Cone degeneration: the loss of photopic vision caused by selective degeneration of the cone photoreceptors. Also known as day blindness, hemeralopia or achromatopsia.
Corneal degeneration: opacification of one or more of the corneal layers frequently resulting from deposition of lipid or mineral and occurring secondary to chronic inflammation
Corneal dystrophy: non-inflammatory corneal opacity (white to gray) present in one or more of the corneal layers (epithelium, stroma, endothelium). The term dystrophy implies an inherited condition. It is usually bilateral although not necessarily symmetrical and the onset in one eye may precede the other.
Corneal dystrophy – endothelial: breed-related loss or dysfunction of corneal endothelial cells resulting in bilateral, progressive corneal edema
Corneal dystrophy – epithelial, stromal: breed-related, non-inflammatory, white to silver-colored opacification of the corneal epithelium and/or stroma frequently resulting from deposition of lipid
Day blindness: see cone degeneration
Dermoid: a congenital, non-cancerous growth occurring on the cornea, conjunctiva, or eyelid typified by the presence of skin-like structures
Distichiasis: the presence of abnormally oriented eyelashes, frequently protruding from meibomian gland ductal openings
Dry eye: see Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
Dysplasia: abnormality of development
Dystrophy: noninflammatory, developmental, nutritional or metabolic abnormality; dystrophy implies a possible hereditary basis and is usually bilateral.
Ectopic cilia: aberrant hairs emerging through the palpebral conjunctiva which often causes ocular discomfort and corneal disease.
Ectropion: a conformational defect resulting in eversion of the eyelid margin, which may cause ocular irritation due to exposure. It is likely that ectropion is influenced by several factors defining the skin and other structures, which make up the eyelids, orbital contents and conformation of the skull.
Entropion: a conformational defect resulting in inversion of the eyelid margin which may cause ocular irritation. It is likely that entropion is influenced by several factors defining the skin and other structures, which make up the eyelids, orbital contents and conformation of the skull.
Euryblepharon: an exceptionally long eyelid marginal length, which may lead to ectropion or Entropion. Euryblepharon is synonymous with the term macropalpebral fissure.
Exposure/pigmentary keratitis: a condition characterized by variable degrees of superficial vascularization, fibrosis and/or pigmentation of the cornea. May be associated with excessive exposure/irritation of the globe due to shallow orbits, lower eyelid medial entropion, lagophthalmos and macropalpebral fissure.
Glaucoma: characterized by an elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) which causes optic nerve and retinal degeneration and results in blindness. Diagnosis and classification of glaucoma requires tonometry and gonioscopy, which are not part of a routine eye certification examination.
Glaucoma, pigmentary: see ocular melanosis
Goniodysgenesis: congenital anomaly characterized by the persistence of a variably fenestrated sheet of uveal tissue spanning the iridocorneal angle, extending from the iris base to the peripheral cornea. Diagnosis is by gonioscopy which is not part of a routine eye certification examination.
Hemeralopia: see cone degeneration.
Imperforate lacrimal punctum: developmental anomaly resulting in an imperforate opening of the lacrimal puncta. An imperforate lower punctum may result in epiphora, an overflow of tears onto the face.
Iridocorneal angle: the junction between the iris and the cornea; the drainage angle. Aqueous humor leaves the anterior chamber via the trabecular meshwork within the iridocorneal angle into the venous circulation.
Iris coloboma: a congenital abnormality in iris development usually characterized by a full-thickness defect in iris tissue, commonly (though not exclusively) located at the 6 o’clock position associated with failure of closure of the optic fissure. A partial-thickness defect in iris tissue should be recorded as iris hypoplasia on the eye certification form.
Iris cyst: see Uveal cyst
Iris hypoplasia: a congenital abnormality in iris development usually characterized by a reduced quantity of tissue identified as a partial-thickness defect in iris tissue. Full-thickness iris hypoplasia is rare and should be recorded as an iris coloboma on the eye certification form.
Iris melanoma: see Uveal melanoma
Iris sphincter dysplasia: a congenital abnormality in iris development usually characterized by a full-thickness defect in iris tissue at the level of the iris sphincter, causing pupillary dilation. This abnormality has been noted in the Dalmatian breed.
Keratitis: inflammation of the cornea.
Keratitis, punctate: inflammation of the cornea accompanied by multifocal, coalescing areas of stromal corneal ulceration of variable depth.
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS): an abnormality of the tear film attributed to deficiency of the aqueous portion of the tears. Progressive KCS may result in ocular surface irritation and/or vision impairment via corneal opacification. Also called dry eye. The test for this condition is the Schirmer Tear Test, which is not part of a routine eye certification examination.
Lens subluxation/luxation: partial (subluxation) or complete displacement of the lens from the normal anatomic site. Lens luxation may result in elevated intraocular pressure (secondary glaucoma) causing vision impairment and pain and/or retinal detachment.
Lenticonus: an anomaly of the lens in which the anterior or posterior surface protrudes in a conical form; usually congenital.
Macroblepharon: an abnormally large eyelid.
Merle: an incompletely dominant phenotype in which heterozygous (M/m) dogs exhibit a coat color phenotype of various dilute color patches, while homozygous (M/M) dogs exhibit marked hypopigmentation and ocular defects, including microphthalmia, blindness and colobomas, and deafness. Deafness and ocular defects are sometimes seen in heterozygous individuals.
Micropapilla: a congenital anomaly, which results in a small optic disk diameter without vision loss. Contrast with optic nerve hypoplasia, which may have a similar ophthalmoscopic appearance with vision loss.
Microphakia: a congenital anomaly in which there is an abnormally small lens.
Microphthalmos: a congenital anomaly in which the globe is abnormally small. Commonly associated with multiple ocular malformations and when severe, may affect vision.
Nictitans cartilage anomaly/eversion: a congenital anomaly in the nictitiating membrane in which the T-shaped cartilage is malformed and/or folded.
Nictitans gland prolapse: Protrusion of the tear-producing gland of the nictitating membrane from its normal position posterior to the nictitating membrane, to a position superior to the free margin of this structure
Nodular granulomatous episclerokeratitis (NGE): an inflammatory disorder of the sclera and episclera, with occasional corneal involvement, characterized by granulomatous infiltrates. Previously known as Proliferative keratoconjunctivitis. This condition is most commonly seen in the Collie.
Nyctalopia: loss of scotopic (night) vision. Causes include genetic defects in photoreceptors and in retinal pigment epithelium, either dystrophy or degeneration of affected cells.
Ocular melanosis: progressive bilateral and sometimes asymmetrical increase in pigmentation with melanocytic accumulation the uveal tract and adjacent tissues. Ultimately progresses to glaucoma and loss of vision in most cases (melanocytic glaucoma). Not associated with systemic disease or metastases. Most often recognized in Cairn Terriers.
Optic nerve coloboma: a congenital abnormality of the optic nerve commonly associated with failure of closure of the optic fissure, resulting in a defect in the optic nerve in the anterior-posterior plane. May result in partial or total vision loss.
Optic nerve hypoplasia: a congenital anomaly, which results in a small optic disk diameter and vision loss. Contrast with micropapilla, which may have a similar ophthalmoscopic appearance but without loss of vision.
Pannus: a bilateral inflammatory disease of the cornea which usually starts as a grayish haze to the inferior or inferotemporal cornea, followed by the formation of a vascularized subepithelial opacity that begins to spread toward the central cornea; pigmentation may follow the vascularization. If severe, vision impairment occurs. Plasma cell infiltration of the nictitans may occur in conjunction with CSK, or on its own. (Also called “CSK”)
Persistent hyaloid artery (PHA): congenital defect resulting from abnormalities in the development and regression of the hyaloid artery. The blood vessel remnant can be present in the vitreous as a small patent vascular strand (PHA) or as a non-vascular strand that appears gray-white (persistent hyaloid remnant).
Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV): congenital defect resulting from abnormalities in the regression of the hyaloid artery (the primary vitreous) and the interaction of the blood vessel with the posterior lens capsule/cortex during embryogenesis. This condition is often associated with congenital cataracts and frequently seen with PHTVL.
Persistent hyperplastic tunica vasculosa lentis (PHTVL): congenital defect resulting from failure of regression of the embryonic vascular network which surrounds the developing lens. Often associated with PHPV and a patent hyaloid artery.
Persistent pupillary membranes (PPM): persistent blood vessel remnants in the anterior chamber which fail to regress normally by 3 months of age. These strands arise from the iris collaret and may bridge from iris to iris, iris to lens, iris to cornea or form sheets of tissue in the anterior chamber.
Persistent tunica vasculosa lentis (PTVL): clinically insignificant epicapsular lenticular opacities resulting from incomplete regression of the embryonic vascular network which surrounds the developing lens.
Pigmentary glaucoma: see Ocular melanosis
Pigmentary uveitis: see Uveitis, pigmentary
Plasmoma: see Pannus. Also called Atypical Pannus. Bilateral thickening and depigmentation of the nictitans due to invasion of lymphocytes and plasma cells. It may or may not be associated with corneal involvement (Pannus).
Progressive rod-cone degeneration (PRCD): See PRA. Typically refers to recessively inherited generalized loss of rod photoreceptors followed by cone degeneration. Many different genetic mutations result in a similar phenotypic presentation.
Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA): an umbrella term used to describe a group of inherited dysplastic, dystrophic, or degenerative disease of the retinal visual cells (photoreceptors, retinal pigment epithelium, or both).
Proliferative keratoconjunctivitis: see Nodular granulomatous episclerokeratitis
Retinal atrophy: a non-specific term used to describe a decrease in the number and deterioration of the cells of the retina, regardless of cause.
Retinal degeneration: see Retinal atrophy
Retinal detachment: a separation of the neurosensory retinal from the retinal pigment epithelium.
Retinal dysplasia: abnormal development of the retina present at birth. This condition is non-progressive and recognized in 3 forms: folds, geographic, detached.
Retinal dysplasia – folds: seen ophthalmoscopically as linear, triangular, curved or curvilinear foci of retinal folding. May be single or multiple. In puppies, retinal folds can be seen as a transient phenomenon, resolving as the eye retains maturity.
Retinal dysplasia – geographic: geographic: an irregularly shaped area of retinal development containing both areas of thinning and areas of elevation. This form may be associated with visual impairment.
Retinal dysplasia – detached: severe retinal disorganization associated with separation of the neurosensory retina from the retinal pigmented epithelium. This form results in visual impairment
Retinopathy: any non-inflammatory condition of the retina. These conditions can usually be detected by ophthalmoscopic examination, but an electroretinogram (ERG) may be required some instances (e.g. canine multifocal retinopathy).
Rod-cone dysplasia: an inherited retinal disease characterized by abortive or abnormal development of rods and cones. Affected animals become blind early in life, usually within the first 6 months, with the exception of rcd4 in the Gordon and Irish Setter dogs. See specific breed pages for rod-cone dysplasia type descriptions.
Rod dysplasia: abnormal development of the visual cells resulting in vision impairment in dim light by 6 months and total blindness at 3-5 years.
Uveal cyst: a pigmented, fluid-filled epithelial-lined structure arising from the posterior iris or ciliary body epithelium. Cysts may remain attached to the pupil margin, iris, or ciliary body, or may detach and be free-floating within the anterior chamber. They may rupture and adhere to the cornea or anterior lens capsule. Uveal cysts may occur in any breed. Uveal cysts are commonly benign, although they may be associated with other pathologic conditions is various breeds.
Uveal cyst, anterior chamber: a pigmented, fluid-filled, epithelial-lined structure arising from the posterior iris or ciliary body epithelium which has detached from its site of origin and is free-floating in the anterior chamber.
Uveal cyst, ciliary body: a pigmented, fluid-filled, epithelial-lined structure arising from the ciliary body epithelium and attached to the ciliary body.
Uveal cyst, iris: a pigmented, fluid-filled, epithelial-lined structure arising from the posterior iris epithelium and attached to the iris.
Uveal melanoma: a locally invasive melanocytic neoplasm arising within the uveal tract, may be benign (melanocytoma) or malignant (malignant melanoma). Uveal melanomas are reported in higher frequency in German Shepherd Dogs and Labrador Retrievers. Inherited iris melanoma has been reported in Labrador Retrievers
Uveitis, pigmentary: a specific form of uveitis most commonly seen in middle-aged to older Golden Retrievers. Clinically manifests early as pigment deposition in a radial fashion on the anterior lens capsule with iridociliary cysts. Later stages are associated with posterior synechia, fibrinous anterior uveitis, cataract and ultimately glaucoma. Not associated with systemic disease; may be asymmetric in presentation.
Uveodermatologic syndrome: an immune-mediated syndrome of anterior uveitis, chorioretinitis, dermal depigmentation (vitiligo) and hair depigmentation (poliosis). A similar syndrome in humans, called Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome (VKH), is an autoimmune disease directed against melanocytes. Secondary glaucoma and/or retinal detachment are frequent complications of this disease. Seen most commonly in the Akita, Samoyed, and Siberian Husky breeds.
Vitreous degeneration: liquefaction of the vitreous gel (syneresis), which may prolapse into the anterior chamber. Vitreous degeneration may predispose to retinal detachment.