Golden Retreiver in the woods

Order DNA Tests

This list represents the DNA tests and databases for which OFA has an exclusive arrangement with the University of Missouri. If you do not see the disease you’re looking for, check the Other DNA Tests and Labs


Using the FTA card technology, owners can safely collect DNA samples at home. The collection process is non-invasive, and no veterinary appointment is necessary. Samples are then sent to the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine where the samples will be processed by the Small Animal Molecular Genetics Lab. Results will be forwarded to the OFA, and the OFA will issue the resulting report to the owner. Results and the OFA certificate will be sent electronically to the email address used when placing the order.

The fee for all OFA/University of Missouri DNA tests listed below is $65 per test. The price includes automatic registration of the results in the OFA database. The OFA will send out the test kit which will include an FTA card and Foam-Tipped Applicator for DNA sample collection, along with FTA sample collection instructions.